
    • Leah Flax Barber
    • The Mirror of Simple Souls
    • In her first book of poems, Leah Flax Barber revives an actress figure of the commedia dell’arte to consider her own destiny as a soon-to-be historical subject. 

    • Sarah Riggs
    • Lines
    • Sarah Riggs’s eighth book of poems pulls from the momentum of Lyn Hejinian’s My Life and Bernadette Mayer’s Memory to create a survival manual for a Trump presidency and a family crisis.

    • Cristina Pérez Díaz
    • From the Founding of the Country
    • Haunted by the violent legacies of colonialism on both landscape and bodies, Cristina Pérez Díaz’s first book of poems deliriously dreams with the foundation of a country from the bed of two lovers.

    • Karla Kelsey
    • Transcendental Factory: For Mina Loy
    • Poet Karla Kelsey’s lyric-documentary rendezvous with iconoclastic writer and visual artist Mina Loy (1882–1966) invents a new form for engaging a life. 

    • Alan Gilbert
    • The Everyday Life of Design
    • Bleak, absurd, elegiac, and politically incisive, Alan Gilbert’s sprawling epic poem is a document of these broken times, with a glint of hope for a better tomorrow.

    • Betsy Fagin
    • Fires Seen from Space
    • Betsy Fagin’s third book of poems dwells in the interstices of profound grief and abject wonder, softening into the complexities of human-driven extinction in search of what refuge remains for life in the pyrocene.

    • Heimrad Bäcker
    • Documentary Poetry
    • Translated by Patrick Greaney
    • The essays of Austrian documentary poet and photographer Heimrad Bäcker (1925–2003), collected here along with a selection of his photographs and two of his documentary poems, explore the poetic, philosophical, and political stakes of representing the Holocaust, and constitute a crucial source for considering the critical potential of contemporary literature.

    • Robert Fitterman
    • Creve Coeur
    • Robert Fitterman’s sixteenth and most ambitious book transposes William Carlos Williams’s postwar long poem Paterson onto the segregated suburbs of late twentieth-century St. Louis to track the collapse of the American urban landscape.